Practical tools helping to communicate your research
From January 20 to December 31, 2023

The maximum time foreseen for the completion of the course is 1 month from the access to its content.

This is a course in scientific communication with a transversal nature, aimed at both physicians and other health professions (nursing, pharmacy, biology, clinical psychology...), and its purpose is to provide professionals with the necessary knowledge to enable them not only to conduct biomedical research in their specific areas, but also to be prepared to adequately communicate their results.

The main objective of conducting research in the biomedical field is to obtain results that allow its application in improving the diagnosis and / or treatment of diseases. Developments in any of these areas should generate scientific evidence, which requires a critical assessment by the scientific community. This assessment can only be carried out if the results of research are communicated effectively in the appropriate forums in order to give them validity and, eventually, can be applied to patients. In the same way, we should have the ability to interpret the results of research conducted by other researchers. So, communication and critical analysis of the scientific production becomes an essential tool for achieving this goal.

An investigation is worthless if it cannot be proven or disclosed to the scientific community in all its varied forms, whether oral or in writing.

Course Objectives

  • To provide the main knowledge for the elaboration of a scientific article, including its different sections.
  • To establish an adequate use of tables and figures.
  • To know the main sources of scientific information and to establish an adequate use of bibliographic references.
  • To know the basics of clinical research, the different types of study design and the characteristics of each one of them.
  • To know the basics of statistical analysis to be able to read and interpret an article properly, as well as to perform basic analysis of own research data.
  • To know the main ethical points that are required both in research and in the publication of scientific data.
  • To know the editorial process of biomedical journals in relation to the reception, review and eventual acceptance of manuscripts.
  • To know other forms of dissemination of information of published articles (general and specific press, social networks, among others).
  • To know the main techniques in the preparation and presentation of an oral communication in a biomedical congress.
  • To know the main techniques in the preparation and defense of a scientific poster.

Course Program

Scientific article (I)
• Tips to write an original article
Marta Pulido, MD, PhD
• Tips to select the target journal
Marta Pulido, MD, PhD
• Internet resources related to publications and the cover letter
Marta Pulido, MD, PhD
• What you should know about references, tables and figures
Marta Pulido, MD, PhD

Oral communication
• How to present an oral communication
Francesc Cardellach, MD, PhD

Scientific article (II)
• Methodological aspects of biomedical papers. Study design
Alejandro de la Sierra, MD, PhD
• How to deal with statistics in a scientific paper
Alejandro de la Sierra, MD, PhD
• Ethics in scientific publication
Josep Maria Ribera, MD, PhD
• Impact post-publication
Josep Maria Ribera, MD, PhD
• Paper quality assessment
Francesc Cardellach, MD, PhD

Scientific poster
• The ideal poster. How to make a scientific poster
Alejandro de la Sierra, MD, PhD